Annual Capital Campaign
Capital Campaign
Join our annual Capital Campaign "One of a Thousand". We are seeking one thousand donors to contribute $1,000.00, $100.00 or $25.00 towards our 2023-2024 projects.
-15 passenger Van
-Rites of Passage "Journey to Greatness"
-WJP 2023 Summer Basketball League
-Officer Dennis McGurk "Hooked on
Fishing Not on Drugs 22nd Annual
Fishing Derby
-Connect AC
-Hot Topic Dance Troupe
- Lucid Entrepreneurs
- COPE Ministries
- Exclusive Events
- Kiwanis Atlantic City

Are You One of a Thousand?
Empowerment Tools Coalition, a 501 ©3 organization, is asking you to take the challenge for our 2023-2024 Capital Campaign and become “ONE OF A THOUSAND”. We are seeking financial assistance to complete the following projects:
Purchase of a 15 passenger van - The cost of renting a van has skyrocketed to @$400.00 per day leasing
The Rites of Passage 5th Annual “Journey to Greatness” Cultural Trip
The 23rd “WJ”Billy” Porter Summer Basketball League
The 21st Officer Dennis McGurk “Hooked on Fishing-Not on Drugs” Fishing Derby
Lucid Entrepreneurs - The Atlantic County Youth Entrepreneur Program has operated since 1989
Connect AC - The development of a comprehensive website which will have an immense impact on Atlantic City.
Hot Topic Dance Troupe - The Atlantic City Dance Troup traveled to Orlando Florida in 2021 and won the National Championship. They are going back this year in hopes of representing the City of Atlantic City and bringing the ‘Top” trophy home again this year.
“Journey to the Motherland” - Rites of Passage is sponsoring one of our youth to travel with the Second Baptist Church mission team to several countries in Africa.
We are asking for your help with one or more of these important projects, programs and events. Corporate Donations of $1,000.00, Special Contributor Donations of $100.00 and Individual Donors of $25.00 to become “ONE OF A THOUSAND”. Please consider taking the challenge and sponsoring us today. For more information go to our website at www.empowermenttoolscoalition.org or visit our facebook page.
Payment can be made by check: Payable to ETC, cash app - $empowertheworld and PayPal - Empowerment Tools Coalition and Venmo @empowerment-tools-coalition.
Your consideration is greatly appreciated and we look forward to your response.
Yours in Service,
Shermaine Gunter-Gary
“One of a Thousand” Campaign Coordinator
Empowerment Tools Coalition - est. 1989 - incorporated 2012 - a 501 ©3 organization
1230 North Indiana Avenue Suite 210 Atlantic City, New Jersey 08401